Onshore Wind Farm PIPELINE

Presently, there is an additional 4.834 GW of onshore wind generation projects in various investigation, planning and consenting stages and developers are consistently exploring new sites throughout New Zealand for new wind farm development. This pipeline comprises over 30 individual wind farm projects, with an average size of 148 MW for each wind farm, and the largest being over 350 MW. 

Developers and investors generally progress from securing a resource consent to building a wind farm once they are satisfied that market conditions will provide a desirable commercial return. It is not expected that all consented wind energy projects being investigated will be end up being constructed, as many commercial and logistical factors need to be assessed before the Final Investment Decision (FID) is reached. 

These commercial and logistical factors include the level of Power Purchase Agreements in place, the risk level for merchant investors, supply chain challenges, the abilities to secure the required workforce, amongst others. 

The table below is a list of potential onshore wind farms that could be built which are actively being investigated. These projects are in the public domain and can be researched via the individual developer. Other wind farm projects are also being considered, but are subject to commercial confidence, hence it is not known how many projects are in this category. Estimates indicate that in addition to the pipeline of known projects, there is another 0.1 GW – 0.3 GW being considered. 

Below is a table showing the proposed onshore windfarms being investigated (in the public domain) and are at various stages of development. The stages range from early wind study investigations, through to Fast Track consent applications being lodged, and ‘shovel-ready’ projects with secured consents and imminently ready for construction.


Onshore Wind Farms

Developer: MainPower
Project Name: Mt. Cass
Consent Status: Secured
Capacity (MW): 95

Developer: Aquila
Project Name: Kurow Wind Farm
Consent Status: Under Investigation
Capacity (MW): 130

Developer: CBD Energy
Project Name: Chatham Islands Phase 2
Consent Status: Secured
Capacity (MW): 1.5

Developer: Mercury
Project Name: Puketoi
Consent Status: Fast Track
Capacity (MW): 228

Developer: Mercury
Project Name: Tararua Repowering
Consent Status: Fast Track
Capacity (MW): 60

Developer: Manawa
Project Name: Ototoka
Consent Status: Under Investigation
Capacity (MW): 150

Developer: Manawa
Project Name: Huriwaka
Consent Status: Fast Track
Capacity (MW): 250

Developer: NZ Wind Farms
Project Name: Aokautere Extension
Consent Status: Secured
Capacity (MW): 46

Developer: NZ Wind Farms/Meridian Energy
Project Name: Te Rere Hau Repowering
Consent Status: Secured
Capacity (MW): 125

Developer: Yinson Renewables
Project Name: Pahīatua
Consent Status: Applied
Capacity (MW): 40

Developer: NZ Wind Farms
Project Name: Motorimu Wind Farm
Consent Status: Under Investigation
Capacity (MW): 110

Developer: Manawa
Project Name: Marlborough
Consent Status: Under Investigation
Capacity (MW): 100

Developer: Mercury
Project Name: 
Consent Status:
Under construction
Capacity (MW): 

Developer: Pioneer Energy/Manawa
Project Name: Kaihiku
Consent Status: Fast Track
Capacity (MW): 300

Developer: Contact
Project Name: Wyndham/Southland
Consent Status: Fast Track (COVID)
Capacity (MW): 300

Developer: Mercury
Project Name: Kaiwera Downs (Ph 2)
Consent Status: Under construction
Capacity (MW): 155

Developer: Mercury
Project Name: Mahinerangi (Ph 2)
Consent Status: Fast Track
Capacity (MW): 164 (138)

Developer: Pioneer Energy
Project Name: Jericho Station
Consent Status: Applied
Capacity (MW): 35

Developer: Hokonui Energy
Project Name: Hokonui Wind Farm
Consent Status: Under Investigation
Capacity (MW): 350

Developer: Calder Stewart
Project Name: Awarua Wind Farm
Consent Status: Applied
Capacity (MW): 42

Developer: Beach
Project Name: Kupe
Consent Status: Under Investigation
Capacity (MW): 216

Developer: Hiringa & Balance
Project Name: Kapuni
Consent Status: Secured
Capacity (MW): 24

Developer: Meridian Energy
Project Name: Waitōtara 
Consent Status: Under Investigation
Capacity (MW): 350

Developer: LET Capital Number 3 Limited Partnership
Project Name: Waiuku Wind Farm
Consent Status: High Court Appeal Lodged
Capacity (MW): 86

Developer: Manawa
Project Name: Hapuakohe
Consent Status: Under Investigation
Capacity (MW): 230

Developer: Ventus
Project Name: Taumatatotara (T4)
Consent Status: Secured
Capacity (MW): 32

Developer: Ventus
Project Name: Glen Massey
Consent Status: Under Investigation
Capacity (MW): 192

Developer: Ventus
Project Name: Kaimai
Consent Status: Fast Track
Capacity (MW): 158

Developer: Mercury (Tararua Wind Power Ltd)
Project Name: Waikokowai
Consent Status: Fast Track
Capacity (MW): 180

Developer: Ventus
Project Name:
Project Mamaku
Consent Status:
Under Investigation
Capacity (MW):

Developer: Genesis Energy
Project Name: Castle Hill
Consent Status: Secured
Capacity (MW): 300

Developer: Meridian Energy
Project Name: Mt. Munro
Consent Status: Secured
Capacity (MW): 90


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